2719 days … and counting

2719 days … and counting

As of the 1 January 2023, I have completed 281 drawings on my scroll and I have 2719 days and drawings to go to my finish date in 2030. Here is something I found absolutely fascinating to read.  It is from a newspaper printed in 1912. Well, it took much less than a...
2779 days … and counting

2779 days … and counting

As of the 1 November 2022, I have completed 221 drawings on my scroll and I have 2779 days and drawings to go. I took my scroll to New York to present to the American Society of Botanical Artists conference in Tarrytown, New York, at the end of October.  It was well...
2811 days… and counting

2811 days… and counting

As of the 1 October 2022, I have completed 189 drawings on my scroll and I have 2811 days and drawings to go. It certainly is a challenge trying to do one “good” drawing/painting a day, particularly on busy days.  First, I need to find a plant, and then quarantine the...
2841 days … and counting

2841 days … and counting

As of the 1 September 2022, I have completed 159 drawings on my scroll and I have 2841 days and drawings to go. Seeing the images on the scroll roll out across the floor always brings a gasp of amazement by the people seeing it for the first time – initially, the...
2872 days … and counting

2872 days … and counting

As of the 1 August, I will have completed 128 drawings on my scroll.  Today, 1 August, I have 2872 days to go. Preparing this scroll is an interesting process because I am only working on one small section at a time.  I rarely see the total picture of what I am doing...
2093 days … and counting

2093 days … and counting

As of the 1 July, I will have completed 96 drawings on my scroll. Even though it is a bit of a challenge, I am keeping up with doing a drawing a day, and the scroll is looking pretty good. I am showing it to as many people as I can in order to tell this story, and...