2629 days …. and counting

Jun 7, 2023 | 3000 days

2629 days …. and counting …

I am in Europe attending botanical art seminars and workshops in Austria, Romania and France.
When I have shown my scroll in these countries, the reaction of people has remained the same – deep concern about what is happening to our planet, and a heightened appreciation for the need to look after what we have.
I’m hearing stories about warmer winters with less snow and, therefore less snowmelt and water;  anecdotal observations about changes in plant behaviour.  There is irritation and anger about the seeming indifference of politicians and big business to the issues.
At the same time, I have observed the efforts and heard stories about the planting and protection of meadow flowers and grasses.  In the UK, there is the “No Mow May” movement.   In France, certain grassy meadows and roadside verges in rural areas are not mowed so as to protect the habitat of small birds, flowers and insects.  Around Viscri, Romania, there are glorious meadows which aren’t grazed and which are rich in plant life, insects and birds.
I continue to be amazed at the impact the scroll has on people who see it,  and the follow-up correspondence which often results.
The question remains,  are we doing enough?