2385 days … and counting

2385 days … and counting

I receive regular calls from friends asking … “Have you drawn X or Y or Z on the scroll?”  If I say, “No”, then quite soon after a car will roll down the driveway with a gift for the scroll.  It might be a plant, it might be an insect, it might be a bird.  These...
2415 days … and counting

2415 days … and counting

I wonder how many tiny insects there are in the garden that we just don’t see.  There is so much that we are not aware of. This tiny tiny preying mantis was spotted by a keen eyed neighbour.  Mantis’ are very elegant and amazing insects which come in all sizes and...
2447 days … and counting

2447 days … and counting

Did you notice the bleached black and white band that runs through this Correa and Lichen? That is part of a graph line which runs the length of the scroll and which records the global mean surface temperature rise from 1880 to 2030.  This graph is based on National...
2477 days … and counting

2477 days … and counting

Over the past few weeks I have had a great opportunity to present and talk about my scroll to people during my solo exhibition “On Trees” at Suki and Hugh Galllery in Bungendore, NSW. The response to the scroll has been overwhelmingly positive. People have returned...
2507 days … and counting

2507 days … and counting

How many plants can you name?  How many plants can you identify? My scroll has almost 500 images drawn or painted on it now … just over 2,500 days left and 2,500 drawings to go before I finish in 2030. I must say that the last 500 days have gone quickly – too...
2938 days … and counting

2938 days … and counting

Do you ever look at a particular plant and wonder how it might fare if it was faced with a hotter … or wetter …  or drier environment? You know, and I know, that plants are amazing in their ability to adapt to change.  In fact, they are more robust than...