2294 days … and counting

Mar 5, 2024 | 3000 days

I am pleased to see that people from all over are now asking about the scroll:

  • How many drawings have been completed?
  • How can I see the scroll?
  • Where are you going to show the scroll next?

I was delighted to receive a call from a young French woman travelling in Australia who had seen a zoom talk I had given on the scroll for a French group last year (2023).  She took a detour in her travels to come to see the scroll.  How fantastic!

There is lots of interest in the USA too – I have now given four talks to different group there, and have another two on my calendar.

Two great supporters here in Australia are the Ginninderry Conservation Trust in the ACT, and Suki and Hugh Gallery in Bungendore, NSW.

Over 700 drawings have now been completed.